Ones relationship with their god is a personal thing. Religion is the practice of using that relationship to control groups of people. The founding fathers were spiritual, and not all were christians. They also knew the dangers of mixing government and religion, and warned against it. They even wrote letters to you and I explicitly begging us to remember the dangers of letting the two become entwined. If the founding fathers wanted the ten commandments to be the law of the land they would have specifically said so in the constitution. The constitution is not the bible and the founding fathers are not god. Confusing those things is ignorant, and dangerous to the freedoms set forth in the constitution and it's amendments.
I'm proud of our founding fathers and the care they took to ensure all men would enjoy equal freedoms under American law.
I'm ashamed that it is so easy to sway "we the people" away from these truths, these days.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost