Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jon McNaughton Painting Shows Crippled Kids, Soldiers With Jesus; Lefty Journalists, Professors With Satan

This painting is a classic case of ignorant people with too much time on their hands.

America was not founded to be a nation of ANY religion, in fact church and state separation is included in the first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both decried the importance of the separation of church and state to the preservation of the basic principles of the U.S. Constitution.

I wonder what Jesus would think of our rampant overpopulation of the planet? Our habit of producing children when we are least prepared to raise them. All under the claim that it is his wish. The bible seems to grant people the ability to rationalize some of the most absurd ideas and philosophies. War, prejudice, slavery, torture, crusading in the name of god.

One difference between the mentality of a Jihadist, and and abortion clinic bomber; one would die themselves to serve their purpose (honorable in the sense that if one is going to kill, at least they are willing to die as well), the other is too chicken $h!t and their belief is weak.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

  1. I just saw Rachel Maddow segment on Conservative Wiki rewriting the bible to take out the liberal bias. WHaa?? It was true story , Conservapedia website has a Conservapedia Conservative Bible project. I love the 3rd principle says not to dumb it down like some bible translations but then another principle says not to use language that is too flowery. I can already anticipate the Audiobook not read by a actor with great elocution but instead by the likes of George W Bush in his affected drawl and folksy mannerisms or in Sarah Palin's rambling and circular speech pattern.
