Liberals attack? Then what do you call the Republican reaction to what they disagree with? I'd call it berserk blitzkrieg of insanity!
You see, liberals have some respect for the process of intelligent debate and if they are lying, they have the intelligence to mask it very well, because they know that their party constituents will investigate and pick apart any untruths.
While conservatives just outright lie without any backup because they know the cattle they call party constituents will feverishly lap it up with no criticism.
Simply put: The Democrats want every American to have the opportunity to be successful. In the current state of our nation corporate greed is the single greatest threat to the average American citizen because they pollute and steal our money. The Republicans want everything to stay the same or to solely benefit the wealthiest Americans because they are the main source of support for the party. That being the case, of course wealthy conservatives want to protect their own interests to their fullest ability greed is a powerful motivator.
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