Ok you're wrong on just about every point you tried to make. The fear of Palin is actually the fear of an ignorant, religious, blatant liar gaining any political power. Did not Jefferson decry the need for separation of church and state?
The government has the responsibility to ensure that our country stays healthy, wealthy and wise, not through ownership, but through regulation of industry.
"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money,
first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will
grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property
until their children will wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered." -Thomas Jefferson
We are not fulfilling the obligations set upon us by the founding fathers.
The individual responsibility is being eroded in front of your eyes through media, and education. Claiming entitlement is not responsibility.
“Family, God & Country”-ok I'll give you that except put god at the end(that's a personal matter not a public one)
If we kept all we earn, who would pay for road repairs/new roads, how would your mail get across the country for less than $1.00, who would pay for the military to stay modern, who would pay to build schools and pay teachers?
I'd love to mind my own business, the behavior of others prevents that. I must make sure that if your business is hurting people, that you're stopped.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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