You have no idea how Americans think, you spout opinion, display some humility for gods sake. If you think that right now as it is that our country is the best in the world you're in a fantasy land. We used to be, but we have fallen from grace through the actions of the commerce/politic machine. Palin is stupid, and driven which is a bad combo. Sorry to say she HAS buckled by quitting her elected post(totally hypocritical). Most folks don't hate HER, they hate the idea that there are people who want her to run our country. The emotion you feel in critiques of her comes from there(horror). How does a nation run on individual responsibility? Lay it out for me. I doubt it includes any social responsibility. Society is not a bunch of individuals acting solely for their own personal survival, that leads to chaos. The great America of the 50's and 60's had national pride, and service to the country was considered obligatory in general. We were the leaders in every capacity relative to the rest of the world. The citizen felt pride (justifiably) for their nation. That respect for the citizen is gone, replaced by $ in the eyes of conglomerated corporations and the politicians they use to gain power(wealth). You and I are expendable to the corporate/political/military machine. Sorry to say that your head will explode one day when you realize you were fooled by the folks holding the banner you follow.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
nice job...........................................................