Friday, March 26, 2010

Why change is what America needs; and Israel is punking us.

America, I know you are not stupid. Since most of us think our involvement with Israel is one of the main causes of the 9/11 attacks on our soil. The recent behaviors displayed by Israel are inflammatory to that situation and can only increase malice towards America. Netanyahu disregards this fact with impunity, and is acting like the younger punk brother of a bad ass.
Please do yourself and our country a favor and deeply investigate the tactics used by the Republican party; 99% negative attack fear mongering means that they have no positive match to the Democrats proposals on any of the major issues. I do not see any constructive solutions to the problems we face coming from the Republican party. What I do see is Republicans campaigning for office, which is not their job during these most troubling of times. Most of the problems we face were precipitated by de-regulation of the banking industry, and letting our infrastructure fall into an almost obsolete condition. The government has been catering to and protecting commerce instead of citizens, which has led to record numbers of jobs going overseas.
Basically, if we let things stay the way the country was being run for the past 20 years, a critical mass failure on the scale of the great depression is predicted within another 10 years. You will see in time that Obama is sincerely trying to correct the course of our country. We have become thralls to the corporation and he is trying to shift the balance the power away from corporations and churches, and back to the people, all of the people.
Think about it, the main objective of a government is to provide it's citizens an environment in which they can be productive, secure and free to believe and love without taking those things away from other citizens. The so called government "power grab" is from the corporations, who are in no way held accountable for their actions as they destroy whatever lies between them and profit; poisoned wells causing cancer, coal waste slurry flooding and ruining a whole town, silly things like that. Ruthless predation of Americans by corporate greed is a far worse scenario than government regulating these behaviors and limiting the damage they can do.
Please America, don't let Beck be your only source of info he's an entertainer. It is our job as citizens to question ALL of our leaders and their intentions. The founding fathers explicitly told us this, and warned us of unbalanced priorities.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dose religion really help mankind overall?

It seems to me that religions grow in membership during times of woe and hardship.
Would it not benefit the worlds religions then to foment divisiveness, and clashes between locals who have lived together for generations? "The Church" like any entity or institution needs to survive, and survival depends on growing the flock, and to do that, it helps to have people in misery so that they can receive comfort at the hands of GOD.
The missionary religions, by imposing their rules upon the converted regardless of their living circumstances, can and do incur further hardships upon them. This happens when the influence of the church is whored out to accomplish the desires of man. This happens when contraception is turned into a sin and birthrates skyrocket, or when the missionaries vocally spurn any group that rejects their teachings (loosely applied term), it may cause any who have converted to be at odds with their neighbors.
I know that churches do a lot to provide community and support for it in places where freedom of religion is accepted. Although they do have the spectre of sexual misconduct by priests in these comfortable parishes. But in places where times are hard and there is no law of religious freedom, religion causes increased division among members of those communities.
I am not Muslim and I know little of the practicing of it. I have though noticed that it seems like the extremist clerics use the deepset love their followers have towards the prophet Mohammed to fuel hate towards those who do not follow his teachings. Much like christianity used  those same tactics during the crusades and the Inquisition. In fact I see many parallels between religious growth tactics and those used for war.

Hissa Hilal, Saudi Woman, Blasts Muslim Clerics On Live TV

It seems to me that religions grow in membership during times of woe and hardship.

Would it not benefit the worlds religions then to foment divisiveness, and clashes between locals who have lived together for generations? "The Church" like any entity or institution needs to survive, and survival depends on growing the flock, and to do that, it helps to have people in misery so that they can receive comfort at the hands of GOD.

The missionary religions, by imposing their rules upon the converted regardless of their living circumstances, can and do incur further hardships upon them. This happens when the influence of the church is whored out to accomplish the desires of man. This happens when contraception is turned into a sin and birthrates skyrocket, or when the missionaries vocally spurn any group that rejects their teachings (loosely applied term), it may cause any who have converted to be at odds with their neighbors.

I am not Muslim and I know little of the practicing of it. I have though noticed that it seems like the extremist clerics use the deepset love their followers have towards the prophet Mohammed to fuel hate towards those who do not follow his teachings. Much like christianity used those same tactics during the crusades and the Inquisition. In fact I see many parallels between religious growth tactics and those used for war.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brazil Church Sex Scandal: Video Allegedly Shows Priest Abusing Altar Boy

This just in: religious right supporters are trying to shove Christianity into our government! What is to gain by doing this? Well these priests will get even more little boys to diddle as the church continues to grow. The fact that the church has not done right by it's parishioners and eradicated this behavior from the ranks of the "pious", is a statement regarding their mentality.

It is the same behavior displayed by Wall street; a blatant disregard for the laws of man or god. Those who see themselves as beyond reproach and without peer will allow themselves to be lured into depravity. Just as power eventually corrupts the hearts of men.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The current state of things

What is funny is that most Americans think our involvement with Israel is the main cause of the 9/11 attacks on our soil. The recent behaviors displayed by Israel are inflammatory to that situation and can only increase malice towards America. Netanyahu disregards this fact with impunity, and is acting like the younger punk brother of a bad ass.
Please do yourself and our country a favor and deeply investigate the tactics used by the Republican party; 99% negative attack fear mongering means that they have no positive match to the Democrats proposals on any of the major issues. I do not see any constructive solutions to the problems we face coming from the Republican party. What I do see is Republicans campaigning for office, which is not their job during these most troubling of times. Most of the problems we face were precipitated by de-regulation of the banking industry, and letting our infrastructure fall into an almost obsolete condition. The government has been catering to and protecting commerce instead of citizens, which has led to record numbers of jobs going overseas.
Basically, if we let things stay the way the country was being run for the past 20 years, a critical mass failure on the scale of the great depression is predicted within another 10 years. You will see in time that Obama is sincerely trying to correct the course of our country. We have become thralls to the corporation and he is trying to shift the balance the power away from corporations and churches, and back to the people, all of the people.
Think about it, the main objective of a government is to provide it's citizens an environment in which they can be productive, secure and free to believe and love without taking those things away from other citizens. The so called government "power grab" is from the corporations, who are in no way held accountable for their actions as they destroy whatever lies between them and profit; poisoned wells causing cancer, coal waste slurry flooding and ruining a whole town, silly things like that. Ruthless predation of Americans by corporate greed is a far worse scenario than government regulating these behaviors and limiting the damage they can do.
Please people don't let Beck be your only source of info he's an entertainer. It is our job as Americans to question ALL of our leaders and their intentions. The founding fathers explicitly told us this, and warned us of unbalanced priorities.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wang Cuyun, Chinese Grandmother, Beaten And Buried Alive By Property Developers

It's simpler than an economic theory such as capitalism, which is only as fair as it's practitioners in a manner similar to a gun which is only as deadly as it's (non accidental) wielders intent. The blame lies in the fell half of human nature, wherein greed resides. The lack of social standards protecting certain things from exploitation by greedy rapacious commerce allows the mentality of profit at all costs to propagate until it replaces the careful balance of true economic freedom for all. The lure of wealth is a strong one, and many a good person has failed in staving it off.
About China
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Eric Massa And Glenn Beck Conspire For Train Wreck TV

You see, in America sex is viewed as such a taboo, whereas the rest of the western world and the far east view it simply as a function of the human biology, or better yet as something beautiful and fun. So we have this situation here where there are people who become more attractive to others due to their job as politicians, combined with the desire of the competition pushing for their failure by any means necessary. Those means could be anything from a constant barrage of unethical offers ranging from sex to goodies. Seeing that Americans will get very upset when a politician gets caught in a personal moment of sexual misconduct(not criminal in this case), it is a much more effective tool for slander here than in Europe and the far east. I challenge any human to hold their moral ground when there are people virtually flinging any and everything at you to get you to slip up and get caught, anyone could hold out for a while, try a whole elected term..

THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is my educated guess as to how these things happen with such frequency here.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama To Meet With Schumer, Graham About Immigration Reform

It's about votes, it's about taxes, it's about the idea that assimilating the ones here into our culture in a manner similar to that of the 50's and 60's in that they want to speak english and be accepted into the middle class as productive members, is a good one. It is not healthy for a society to be deeply divided by language and class. I am not naive enough to say that those divisions should be eradicated, I am saying they should be minimized for the future health of the nation. If illegals are encouraged to become citizens, it weakens their bond with their home country while strengthening the bond to America; instead of being visitors, (who litter, refrain from learning the language, send money back across the border, etc) and basically have little regard for our country except as a means to earn a living. The fact that illegals burden the infrastructure without fully contributing to their maintenance, is a wasteful gap bleeding out our tax dollars. We have rules and laws that are being abused across the board: employers using illegal workers, those illegals living here and leeching away more than they contribute to the good of our country.

I am in no way a racist, rules need to be followed.
About The Recession
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bart Stupak Abortion Claims Debunked: Health Bill Would NOT Force Federal Spending On Abortion

What I do not understand is how the republicans can continuously get away with pushing their "fierce defense of our constitutional rights" and small government, while in the same breath they will demand government regulation barring citizens from controlling our own reproductive rights. Is it hypocritical for conservative politicians to pander to the religious right; essentially joining church and state?

It seems to me that the republican party chooses to rally around controversial, unanswerable debates like abortion and has aligned itself with some of the most polar opposite groups and ideas imaginable:

NRA vs Religion = (weapons vs love)

Small government vs military spending and war = (protecting citizens vs protecting mil/ind/complex)

Main st. vs corporate America = (looking out for the avg citizen vs looking out for the top 1%)

There are too many examples to list. I see the GOP imploding before my eyes. The low common denominator of the populace they are trying to appeal to are the very people Obama dreams of helping. Lies eventually come to light, and the GOP has painted itself into a corner and has little integrity left.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Obama Health Care Speech: It's Time To Act

Those choices will be laid out for you then at the whim of corporate America. Obama is trying to make it so your options help the whole country(it's citizens). Republicans are trying to make your options continue to benefit the top 1% of the earners.

Your arguments are childish and selfish. You have no regard for the nation as a whole. I'll bet that you think America is the greatest nation on earth by the measure of it's current health care, education, energy efficiency and innovation rankings compared to other countries. Do you pay your taxes? Not by choice I'm certain. We have proven that letting commerce go unregulated always ends up in Americans being hurt by: poisoning water tables, offering stupid loans to people, canceling health insurance, etc, etc.

You may be afraid of big government, I'm afraid of government helping the wealthy only, while lining up the rest of us like cattle for the corporations to squeeze.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost