Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sarah Palin: WaPo Faces Heat For Running Op-Ed

You have no idea how Americans think, you spout opinion, display some humility for gods sake. If you think that right now as it is that our country is the best in the world you're in a fantasy land. We used to be, but we have fallen from grace through the actions of the commerce/politic machine. Palin is stupid, and driven which is a bad combo. Sorry to say she HAS buckled by quitting her elected post(totally hypocritical). Most folks don't hate HER, they hate the idea that there are people who want her to run our country. The emotion you feel in critiques of her comes from there(horror). How does a nation run on individual responsibility? Lay it out for me. I doubt it includes any social responsibility. Society is not a bunch of individuals acting solely for their own personal survival, that leads to chaos. The great America of the 50's and 60's had national pride, and service to the country was considered obligatory in general. We were the leaders in every capacity relative to the rest of the world. The citizen felt pride (justifiably) for their nation. That respect for the citizen is gone, replaced by $ in the eyes of conglomerated corporations and the politicians they use to gain power(wealth). You and I are expendable to the corporate/­political/­military machine. Sorry to say that your head will explode one day when you realize you were fooled by the folks holding the banner you follow.
About Sarah Palin
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Sarah Palin: WaPo Faces Heat For Running Op-Ed

Ok you're wrong on just about every point you tried to make. The fear of Palin is actually the fear of an ignorant, religious, blatant liar gaining any political power. Did not Jefferson decry the need for separation of church and state?

The government has the responsibility to ensure that our country stays healthy, wealthy and wise, not through ownership, but through regulation of industry.

"If the American people ever allow private banks

to control the issue of their money,

first by inflation and then by deflation,

the banks and corporations that will

grow up around them (around the banks),

will deprive the people of their property

until their children will wake up homeless

on the continent their fathers conquered.­" -Thomas Jefferson

We are not fulfilling the obligations set upon us by the founding fathers.

The individual responsibility is being eroded in front of your eyes through media, and education. Claiming entitlement is not responsibility.

“Family, God & Country”-ok I'll give you that except put god at the end(that's a personal matter not a public one)

If we kept all we earn, who would pay for road repairs/new roads, how would your mail get across the country for less than $1.00, who would pay for the military to stay modern, who would pay to build schools and pay teachers?

I'd love to mind my own business, the behavior of others prevents that. I must make sure that if your business is hurting people, that you're stopped.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reply to Bill Maher regarding How good it will get.

Bill I think you're smart enough to understand that the President cannot fight all battles at one time. His seeming lack of temerity in regards to the bailouts and the HC reform issue, in my opinion, are calculated  steps towards progress. The President needs to be more like the turtle than the hare, if lasting change is to come about. As I have said in the past, some bi-partisan inclusion is PREFERABLE to none, when it comes to longevity of changes. The President took upon himself the mantle to represent all Americans (I think his internal dialogue would not differentiate between Americans who like him or those who do not). We all know that those folks who support/deify FOX type rhetoric are not capable of seeing the damage they do to themselves/America. And therefore cannot be trusted as to knowing what their best interests are. The big man is I think giving the(t-bagger, birther crowd) the benefit of the doubt that they will see the light when he's finished.
You know that bit about Rome and how long it took her to be built.
If I did not know that Obama is intelligent, eloquent and assume he has the best intentions for our nation and it's huddled masses; I could not have the faith that I do that he will prove to be the redeemer of American integrity, and I would not have voted at all.
Integrity? You ask, ohh ho ho yes integrity is one major factor common in the failings of our education, economy, media, health care/pharm, mil/ind complex, correctional, and food industries to fulfill their intended services. The flip side of the integrity coin is greed itself. While greed is healthy and necessary for capitalist and free market economies (both of which in their pure unfettered forms proof out to be as unsuccessful as any theory taken to it's extreme) , the greedy excesses perpetrated upon the US public in general; is quite simply deplorable. Moderation of greed (regulation, consumer protection) is required for a sustainable healthy economy.
One example of the transgressions against American integrity is the High Fructose Corn Syrup/ corn subsidies/ sugar tariffs connection, or as I call it The Diabetic Triangle. This triad ensures that Americans WILL become less healthy if they eat the most readily available foods (most of which contain HFCS) thereby guaranteeing increased doctors visits. HFCS will actually increase your appetite due to the fake out it gives our bodies, ensuring that you consume MORE of those readily available foods, compounding those Dr. visits with obesity. If one checks into the profit margins for products sold in fast food chains, one will find that soda has the highest % of profit out of all of them. Sugar tariffs increase the cost of real sugars, discouraging the use of the (relatively) healthy sweetener in mass produced foods.
If one steps back to study the big picture through the integrity filter, it becomes apparent that these industries compound profit at the points where they overlap. Supplementing and/or reinforcing the increasing lack of industrial integrity.
How does one increase the consumption of unhealthy foods, entertainment? Make the population less intelligent by reducing the amount of learning options in schools, make secondary edu expensive            BAD
How does one increase profit at a prison? Do everything you can to ensure return inmates.                    BAD
How does one increase individual food consumption? Add chemicals to induce hunger/mask fullness     BAD
How does one increase profit if all other factors remain unchanged? Decrease the cost(quality) of the product or service. (supply/demand) Fire employees (stock trading)                                                                  BAD
In closing I would like to reiterate that the President has a lot on his plate, more than most realize. It will take time and patience for him to accomplish his goals for our nation. Considering the importance of these times, and the sheer size and complexity of the tasks at hand, I say tread carefully Mr. President. Be the antithesis of your predecessor. I know it will take both terms allotted to you, and all of your skill to make the progress we all see as necessary. The America that has been lost to those who remember our greatness in this world will one day return. These are the times of historical importance that will indicate to our progeny what stuff we are made of.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jon McNaughton Painting Shows Crippled Kids, Soldiers With Jesus; Lefty Journalists, Professors With Satan

This painting is a classic case of ignorant people with too much time on their hands.

America was not founded to be a nation of ANY religion, in fact church and state separation is included in the first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both decried the importance of the separation of church and state to the preservation of the basic principles of the U.S. Constitution.

I wonder what Jesus would think of our rampant overpopulation of the planet? Our habit of producing children when we are least prepared to raise them. All under the claim that it is his wish. The bible seems to grant people the ability to rationalize some of the most absurd ideas and philosophies. War, prejudice, slavery, torture, crusading in the name of god.

One difference between the mentality of a Jihadist, and and abortion clinic bomber; one would die themselves to serve their purpose (honorable in the sense that if one is going to kill, at least they are willing to die as well), the other is too chicken $h!t and their belief is weak.
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Jon McNaughton Painting Shows Crippled Kids, Soldiers With Jesus; Lefty Journalists, Professors With Satan

This painting is a case of ignorant people with too much time.

America wasn't founded to be a nation of ANY religion, in fact church and state separation is included in the first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both decried the importance of the separation of church and state to the preservation of the basic principles of the U.S. Constitution.

I wonder what Jesus would think of our rampant overpopulation of the planet? Our habit of producing children when we are least prepared to raise them. All under the claim that it's his wish. The bible seems to grant people the ability to rationalize some of the most absurd ideas and philosophies. War, prejudice, torture, crusading for god.

One difference between the mentality of a Jihadist, and and abortion clinic bomber; one would die themselves to serve their purpose (honorable in the sense that if one is going to kill, at least they are willing to die as well), the other is too chicken $h!t and their belief is weak. I liken this to the fact that the wealthy elite Americans do not send their children to war; they will only wage it with other peoples children. This guys portrayal of science and intelligent people is laughable, did Jesus put men on the Moon? Did the Clergy find the cure for polio? There are too many people on this planet and that is the root cause of EVERY problem we have on Earth.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What America needs

It is the American way to make increased profits at any cost. The past few administrations have been pandering to crappy car makers, the bad gamblers of the banking industry, and blatant disregard of patients needs by the health insurance providers, not to mention the war profiteering going on.
Now we could just keep on doing the same old thing and watch this great country go down the crapper, or we could try to actually DO SOME UPGRADING which will obviously put the revenue in the hands of those involved in the process. SO WHAT? Those responsible for letting the high standards of American industry slip should be culled anyways, they had their opportunities and wasted them, failing to do anything except hoard billions. The trick is to ensure somehow that there will not be another collapse of integrity with the rise of greed. Some sort of oversight on fair practices, and strict punishment.
The most important thing we can do is limit the constitutional rights of corporations. They are made up of individuals who have rights, the whole entity gains too much influence over policy if it is given the same rights as, or more rights than a citizen.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Insurance Company Must Pay $10 Million For Revoking Policy Of Teen With HIV

They sooner we pick these ticks off of our pocketbooks, the better off we all will be. Health insurance is a redundant middle man industry which is driving costs up by forcing hospitals to hire staff to deal with paperwork, taking exorbitant pay without actually PRODUCING anything, and defaulting on their promised coverage.

Basically the care they deem acceptable is covered by the premiums already taken from that patient= they profit. They drop a patient after they have paid their premiums as expected, altogether denying treatment= they profit.

The only way the health care insurance providers actually lose money is if they get sued for wrongful rescission and lose the case.

Odds are they win every time unless something is done to regulate their behavior.

Look into the rights of a corporation they are gaining MORE constitutional right to influence the political scene than an individual American Citizen.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama Schoolchildren Speech Drives Right-Wing Batty

Problems. If we truly learn his intent we can offer our ideas to achieve his goals for our country.
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Obama Schoolchildren Speech Drives Right-Wing Batty

It's about following the lead of the elected official, he wants to lead us back to being an educated, cutting edge society again. Someone is going to have to follow someone elses lead, bottom line. The idea that we will all get what we want is preposterous, the previous administration had it's turn. It led us into 2 wars, and propagated the already tenuous wall street situation through increased de-regulation, schools lost more of the peripheral programs. Now the President is tasked with fixing these cumulative programs, we should truly learn about and share his vision. We the people are failing to see the opportunity before us; to break free of the path we are being led down by corporate America
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Obama Schoolchildren Speech Drives Right-Wing Batty

The Anit-democratic, anti-education, anti-health, anti- American, pro Corporation, pro-greed party is going to destroy this country just to keep a black man from succeeding at restoring it's former glory.

Whether it is his skin color or his party affiliation, the drive to cause the failure of this administration is unconscionable. Any Americans who would destroy our country for these reasons is beyond treasonous. Following rhetoric without researching the facts is ignorant, repeating it and spreading misinformation will bring our country to a very low point in our history. It seems that common sense has left the building.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bachmann: We Should "Slit Our Wrists, Be Blood Brothers" To Defeat Health Care Reform

Her (unintenti­onal?)call for mass suicide is actually quite poignant and literally true. If all the anti-health care reform folks do as she says by actually slitting their wrists, the reform bill would be passed. If they do as she is attempting to insinuate and unite to defeat it, that would be national suicide indirectly imposed upon the uninsured by the insurance companies.

The status quo has not worked to ensure the health of our citizens. And if you factor in the amount of money that goes into our system with the average health of Americans as compared to that of other modern countries; the discrepancy is ginormous. We are being fleeced.
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Race-Based Protests Directed At Obama Continue To Rise

So we're the great melting pot are we? I guess it's fine only as long as the pale color is the only one allowed to rise to the top. The concept of America, the very idea of it's existence and what it means to be an American has changed for most of the population.

It used to be that the backbone blue collar Americans knew that effort and service was the key to the entitlement of the American dream. Immigrants wanted to become American not just by location, but by assimilating into the American culture and language; they were proud to be American! These days it seems the American dream is to take all you can get, and give as little as possible, to such extremes, and with no regard for any damage that may occur to our society and way of life. The corruption while ever-present in the past has bloomed like a plague through every industry and political office to the point that it looks like a surreal nightmare. The corruption has BECOME the system. Our strength as a nation of citizens, who are supposed to BE the government, is being eroded and diluted to the point of near impotence.
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Death panel originator Betsy McCaughey resigns in disgrace

Death panel originator Betsy McCaughey resigns in disgrace

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McCain Evicts Angry Woman From Town Hall

The marvels of capitalism as laid down by the most fiscally conservative would obviously give the advantage to the sleek, efficient and so very effective private insurers, versus if the unwieldy mess maker; the US gov't public option. There is no way the insurance companies could go under unless they weren't as efficient as the government and I know that is a silly notion.

Lawmakers have another chance here to reform a shady(at best) industry, let them not go about this the same way they did wall street, for there shall be little patience from the citizens. Let the insurance companies tighten their belts and PROVIDE A BETTER PRODUCT. If I as a citizen am not entitled to assistance from my government then how is it that corporations ARE entitled to it? Simple; we do not have true representation as citizens, at least not that can compete with lobbying.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Limbaugh Congratulates Himself On Kennedy Death Prediction

Um.......yes .....he...­..does....­...By using the low-common denominator language, he attracts conservative extremists­(uneducate­d+religiou­s). He riles them up just like Hitler used to do in his very effective(not good, they worked) speaches. Then he peddles (he gets paid the whole time his show runs, not just for the advertising) half truths and outright lies by taking advantage of the rube lapping up his every word.

As a matter of fact I will say that ALL the right wing media screamers are very much like Hitler; trying to get a rise out of the people. Very dangerous indeed. Stop fomenting, start trying to make America great again.
About Ted Kennedy
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Limbaugh Congratulates Himself On Kennedy Death Prediction

Leading a horse to water comes to mind...

They are the types who never give in. Have you ever spoken with a hardcore bible thumper? They are convinced that the gospel + the warm fuzzy feeling they get when thinking about god is irrefutable proof of god.

That is a belief and it is up to the individual mind to consider it's value.

That belief in and of itself is great for the one who decides to. And is healthy for us too, the seriously perilous side to this is when that thought process is applied to things other than a belief.

The danger is when one comes to KNOW that their belief is more than just that. When one thinks their belief is universal and should be accepted by all. These folks who give themselves completely, mind and all, away to some other power, have the ability to do the same with politics.

They can see truth without proof, and if you count all the humans killed in the name of god, that is a scary scenario.
About Ted Kennedy
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Bailed-Out Financial Firms Forked Over $6 Million To Members Of Congress Since November

We take it back by not fueling the fires of distraction; teabaggers, birthers, townhollers, are mostly uninformed and are hurting the cause of American citizen rights by moving the focus from the details of the MAJOR issues i.e. healthcare, education, immigration, and insurance reform. These areas of the American system are failing to do their prescribed jobs. This is leading to the slow decay of our society from the inside out.
About Transparency
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Study Shows Massive Rise In ADHD Drug Abuse Among Teens

I was a hyperactive kid, and was tied to more than one desk in grade school. Although the doctors told my mom to put me on Ritalin, she did not, and I thank her still. Living in a suburban community with lots of undeveloped land around in the 70's-80's I had a large play area and burned off much energy. I was a latchkey kid and ate terribly:hostess and soda and packaged food until I was about 11. Then I underwent a serious change of environment and my diet consisted of large fresh cooked protein and veggies for most dinners. My school performance was always average with a tendency for not doing homework but excelling at test time. I have an IQ of 127 and have excellent comprehension and cognitive abilities, I still struggle with personal discipline, which has more of a negative effect on my relationships than anything else, but I work well and solve problems easily. I believe that I was mildly ADD, and if my mom had known that preservatives and dyes had could have been a source of my energy, my scolastic career may have been much different.
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Study Shows Massive Rise In ADHD Drug Abuse Among Teens

I have one question; What is the incidence, or frequency of diagnosis of ADD or ADHD in the countries with longer life expectancies than ours? There are 42 other countries that supposedly have better health care than we do in America. How do they treat the issue of hyperactivity in their children?

We all know that in America pharma companies main goal is to sell more product, bottom line. Is it the same for the rest of the world?

Not only is Pharma at work here, the FDA approves all the additives in food, so why then do they allow the use of dyes that FOR A FACT cause hyper-active responses in some children? Then we slowly take away all the programs in school that actually deal with the students energy, in the name of academics. It is a multi pronged attack aimed at getting Americans hooked into the consumption lifestyle as early as possible.

Americans it is simpler and wiser to try to identify and remove the cause of a problem than it is to introduce another factor into the equation in the effort to do the same.

It all boils down to convenience and our lazy habit of falling for the lure of instant gratification; do what is better, smarter, healthier, cheaper, but takes a bit of effort. Or despite being unhealthy, misdirected, more expensive and generally less successful, we would rather do what is easiest NOW.
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Saturday, August 22, 2009

I just saw this interview and think that the information is quite scary regarding the current practices of the health care insurance providers:

Also check out this simple description of the refofm bill on the table now:

As a matter of fact check out the second link first, that will flow better.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Terminator is Back

Has anyone here seen the recent "accomplishments" of the so-called protective services in CA? They are as defunct as any other institution in this country. Although they may help many, they also ignore, and wrongly deal with many situations, which end up with some child having his head cut off or beaten to death by a mothers boyfriend. Cry to the dead babies that were not protected by your precious "services".

If they cannot provide protection to all those who need it, they should be restructured or killed off so something that actually works can be instituted.
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Obama Sets The Record Straight On Immigration Reform

I'll give you immigration reform:

A 100 foot up 40 foot down wall from Imperial beach, CA to the gulf of mexico.

No immigration to America for a year NONE.

Strict rules for legal immigrants who enter the country.

NO marrying in.

English shall be a requirement for any sort of Federal, State or local government paperwork.

No welfare or any type of assistance will be given to those immigrants not complying.
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FACT CHECK: Health overhaul myths taking root

Everyone needs to see this!

A great explanation of the entire health care mess in one fell swoop.

Clear and non-partisan view of the issues at hand, and the proposed solutions.
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FACT CHECK: Health overhaul myths taking root

That is not the intent if the bill. It is to regulate the abusive treatment we as citizens are receiving from the health care industry. We are being fleeced and people like you are supporting the insurance companies with your ignorant babble.

$600 BILLION are wasted on insurance overhead every YEAR! Go ahead and tell me that that is good when we have a LOWER life expectancy than 40 other countries. But we pay out the most.

Logic dictates that if the people are living longer in other countries their healthcare is better.

Supply and demand in a capitalist economy should dictate the product/service success, people in other countries pay less and live longer, so why is it that we pay so much? Because PROFIT is KING!
About Health Care
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FACT CHECK: Health overhaul myths taking root

The current political setup in America is one that gives the voters opposing sides to align to. It creates division, a sort of playing the sides against each other for the purposes of a common goal: PROFIT. If you are wrapped up in fighting about say, abortion; you won't really have time to deal with the notion that if you focused your attention to the laws being passed or vetoed which effect every person in the country, we wouldn't be anywhere near the trouble we're in now. Pile the op-ed media hysterics, foreign threats, and declining level of education=­intelligen­ce; and you get the perfect herd of taxpaying overconsuming cattle with which to continuously fill the corporate coffers.
About Health Care
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FACT CHECK: Health overhaul myths taking root


If you really feel the need to comment on the bill, shouldn't you know what you're talking about?

If you think that the new bill would enable the "death panels" you should see what your current policy says about the care you will receive as you near the end of life.

The government does not need to RUN health care it needs to REGULATE health care; to shift the focus from profit at ANY(including all the horror stories about the American system) means necessary, to; profit and healthy people within the means of the local infrastructure to responsibly support it. The primary reason for the health care industry to exist is: to keep people healthy so they can be productive citizens. That is what our government should be doing with the health care system.

Corporations are not citizens, they cannot vote in the sense you and I can, yet they have at the very least equal rights and power to influence lawmakers. Yet are the corporations hurt by the same things citizens are hurt by? No, they do not get sick, a corporation cannot be thrown into prison per-say. History will show that for the worst tragedies caused by corporations very few actual people are criminally punished. Enron, all war profiteers; blackwater, etc. Maddoff.

The value of balance and harmony are minimal in western society.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Makes Gay Joke About Barney Frank: "He Spends Most Of His Time Living Around Uranus" (AUDIO)

Limaugh is a turd, from an anus but not urs, I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy, well maybe coulter and beck for starters.

Barney Frank called that lady out and she did not have any good answer. Citizens who go out and say crap like that lady should think a couple moves down the road first. It is good that the Screaming loonies who spout the wild claims are here, as this will keep the GOP down for good. They're too stoopid to know that they are causing idiocracy to become an actual term to describe dumb people with too much freedom.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fearing Government Involvement in Health Care

Life expectancy does depend on lifestyle. Doctors in the countries with the longest life expectancies are allowed to test and counsel their patients on lifestyle choices, they understand that prevention is the best medicine. People in those countries are not flooded with advertising for the unhealthiest foods the way we are here. The do not have to deal with the "politically correct" notion that it is mortally wrong to be criticized if you're fat, they know it is BECAUSE you're fat, if you don't like it work out and eat better! In America we do not receive health advice as much as drugs for management. Unchecked profits are to blame as there is no restraint shown, no real drive to make us live longer, it's not profitable. Drug companies are vested in SELLING DRUGS not making you healthier.
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Man Carrying Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle And Pistol Outside Obama Event (VIDEO)

Why don't these folks take their weapons and hang out in front of the WHITE HOUSE or their local police department, or better yet outside the Fox news studios? The lack of intelligence displayed by carrying weapons for no other reason than "because I can" is on par with: Driving slow in the fast lane because "I pay taxes these are my roads too", and the all around worst excuse for anything ever; "they got away with it so why can't I?".

The concept of social responsibility is fading fast and being replaced with social entitlement. Instead of saying "How can I make my country better, we say how can my country hook me up for free?" This is caused by many factors, such as: Corporate behavior; they can get away with anything and keep operating. We see that and want it too. Loopholes in the welfare system that encouraged devious women to have lots of kids for profit. Media portrayal of life is not realistic and sets standards beyond those which children can realistically meet. With all of these factors together flooding perception, where is there room for practicality, common sense, or humility?
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Man Carrying Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle And Pistol Outside Obama Event (VIDEO)

Once again, the citizens insist that they must exercise their rights in a way that will eventually hurt their position. Gun rights activists are pushing the Federal gov't into a corner; the more folks that show up to exercise their right to bear... arms, and the larger these crowds get , the more likely the possibility of someone losing it and opening fire. This will ultimately result in the restriction of weapons at events like these. Sounds pretty counterproductive and illogical to me to bring weapons to a debate about healing. So much so that I get the feeling that this is being planned, these "rights activists" may be trying to provoke an incident where some gun carrying crowd gets out of control and then gets fired upon by law enforcement, then a actual skirmish. That would turn a new leaf in America, and open up a whole new vein of terror to feed the people.
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Man Carrying Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle And Pistol Outside Obama Event (VIDEO)

Once again, the citizens insist that they must exercise their rights in a way that will eventually hurt their position. Gun rights activists are pushing the Federal gov't into a corner; the more folks that show up to exercise their right to bear arms, and the larger these crowds get , the more likely the possibility of someone losing it and opening fire. This will ultimately result in the restriction of weapons at events like these. Sounds pretty counterproductive and illogical to me to bring weapons to a debate about healing. So much so that I get the feeling that this is being planned, these "rights activists" may be trying to provoke an incident where some gun carrying crowd gets out of control and then gets fired upon by law enforcement, then a actual skirmish. That would turn a new leaf in America, and open up a whole new vein of terror to feed the people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Killing Yourself with Kindness

Democrats have to be nice, because thats how people are supposed to act towards each other. Isn't it funny that the Party in bed with the religious right are the ones who act in such vindictive, spiteful, thoughtless ways? WWJD? You have to pray to him but you can never be like him. Is there some rule against acting like the "SON OF GOD"? Does religion dangle the carrot that can't be eaten?
About Barack Obama
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Killing Yourself with Kindness

Making nice to the Republicans is like refusing to scream back at someone who is screaming at you,; it infuriates and frustrates the screamers that others won't play their game, and it also negates the reactionary element that pervades the GOP. With the near absence of ingenuity and original productive thought, the lack of catalyst greatly reduces the amount of "reacting" that the Republicans can do.

Any President has to deal with this situation; the obligation to make good on the "promises" of their campaign balanced with having to go through the actual established procedures necessary to get anything accomplished in Washington. Mr. Obama more than most have in the past due to the nature of his election campaign and the way he spoke about transparency and change on the political machine. With the huge negative "state" of the union he inherited, this dynamic is even greater.

President Obama cannot fight all battles simultaneously and hope to win any. He must take the opportunities as they present themselves and choose his battles wisely. I am sure that he is doing as much as he can to:

Swim against the current of the established "rigged" political system he would add transparency and change to.

Bring us back from the edge of total financial collapse.

Right the listing ship of our foreign policy and image.

Deal with the rapidly deteriorating condition of our physical environment, utility grids, transportation, education and prison systems in America.
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Killing Yourself with Kindness

The President's hat rack is full, and that's just the one at his office. How much are YOU doing to move America forward into a positive future?

If you have nothing but criticism of the President, do like your grandmother should have told you and; "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

If you have something to add to the conversation, something to help, any IDEA that is intelligent and sincere is welcome, REAL Americans should all be having dialogue with our friends and family about what the healthcare reform bill really is all about. We shouldn't let 1,000 pages scare us away from deciding our own fate.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Arianna Discusses White House's Deal With Big Pharma On CNN (VIDEO)

I'm pretty sure PHARMA doesn't want the lobbying process on CSPAN but I think that the President should issue a mandate that ALL lobbying be done in a public setting like CSPAN no editing or opinion, straght observation. Since there is so much lobbying in Washington a priority standard should be set up; say by value of the legislation in tax cost, or some other logical method of weighing the impact on the average American's "life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness"

Then there would not be interference by sensational media, and the public could BE INFORMED, not ENTERTAINED and incited. And then the President would be a hero to the people for giving them tranparency.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Terence- Wisdom from the past (185-158 BC)Poet/playwright

This was inked about 2000 years ago. You tell me that we are MORE advanced/civilized now, than we were then? After 2000+ years you'd think that every human being would know this stuff.

I am a man, and whatever concerns humanity is of interest to me.

I am a man: I hold that nothing human is alien to me.

I bid him look into the lives of men as though into a mirror, and from others to take an example for himself.

Nothing is said that has not been said before.

So many men so many questions.
(Quot Homines Tot Sententiae)

That is true wisdom, to know how to alter one's mind when occasion demands it.

Their silence is sufficient praise.

There is a demand in these days for men who can make wrong appear right.

There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly.

Too much liberty corrupts us all.

What is done let us leave alone.

Charity begins at home.

Moderation in all things.

I have everything, yet have nothing; and although I possess nothing, still of nothing am I in want.

In fact, nothing is said that has not been said before.

Fortune helps the brave.

Oh My GOD! Breaking it down.

Religious texts are stories to divide people into groups that have the opposite mind-set, and since there is no tangible proof directly linked to the existence of any god, the argument is one that cannot be won in a logical manner. Believers and non-believers will have fuel for disagreement until one side just gives up. Knowing human nature we understand that this will never happen. Organized religion is a form of population control similar to, and in partnership with governments, division of the populace is conducive to more control over said populace, or in other terms a placated populace (a basic principle of conflict management).
There is a simple way to imagine our place within the universe. The molecular, or elemental composition of our bodies is, aside from inert elements that are of little use to an organism, proportionally IDENTICAL to the elemental composition of the universe. Basically we are the same as the universe we live in, and we are not even slightly special in the regard of our physical makeup. Not unless you count the inert elements missing from our bodies.
The miracle is and has been staring us in the face, growing clearer and clearer as we gain understanding of the universe. SOMETHING triggered the "big bang" and then removed their influence from the picture while the seemingly infinite cycles of creation went on as if scripted into the future forever. AMAZING and way more miraculous than some entity who, as described by the bible is “unknowable and incomprehensible to humans” talking to us and fiddling with earth like an ant farm. And if every parable and story of the bible explains the actions god takes and uses them to instruct us on our behavior, where’s the mystery?
Personally the deity stops at the big bang, anything after the big bang is tangible and can, or will be explained by the sciences through time.
Now prior to that I have my own little scenario.
The “IT” as I will now refer to what most call god, and I picture IT as pure energy alone in existence, perfectly balanced in Itself like the YIN/YANG but in an infinitely more complex manner similar to the sun's roiling mass, infinite vortexes of pure energy
……..What occurred within IT. Was
……..Outside of the IT, there was not
...…..Time was not
...…..What IT “thought”…….came to be. IT’s thoughts, now willful and not being IT but seeing IT, became unbalanced. Some of IT’s thoughts more so than others. IT did not like the way the situation had become, IT was fragmenting... losing it's own harmonious balance......IT wanted the perfect solution and BOOM!
IT’s energy became the matter of the universe, IT’s thoughts became the myriad of sentience, IT’s will now spread through every atom virtually powerless to act alone, but when grouped together in different ways those atoms allow IT's essence to manifest in various ways, and each element with slightly different properties, combines in forms such as ours to give us……

Lincutious, the particularly peculiar assemblage of atoms.


The first paragraph was excerpted from a Huffington Post column.

"Non-interference" is the industry term for the status quo, in which government-driven price negotiations are barred. In other words, the government is "interfering" in the market if it negotiates lower prices.
The ban on negotiating was led through Congress in 2003 by then-Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.), who is now the head of PhRMA.

Situations like this where the politician Billy Tauzin helped the entire pharmaceutical industry, they then appoint him as a high ranking member of their own group. Am I a conspiracy theorist when the obvious question comes to mind; what was he doing to ensure the citizens rights and well being at this time? Did he consider one moment that this would shift the balance of power heavily towards the pharmaceutical companies?
It is obvious to me that this guy scammed his individual citizens in America by representing and fighting for the rights of an industry over that of real Americans, then ran off to be rewarded for his loyalty by PHARMA after his term ended.

Guns at town Hall

It is our right to carry firearms, it is also our right to speak our opinion. With those rights come responsibility, the responsibility to exercise those rights with caution and intelligence.
Question: Is it smart to bring firearms near the President? NO
Question: Is it illegal to bring firearms near the President? I'm not sure, but why choose that forum to make your point.
Laws have been made to protect us from stupid gun users. As our country falls further behind the rest of the world in academics, that protection is increasingly necessary. In the days when everyone carried guns, Americans were PRODUCERS, with excellence as a goal, everyone had much more common sense even if they had no official education.
Nowadays, Americans are being molded into CONSUMERS; Dumb enough to give our free will and spirit to some "representative" of GOD, dumb enough to fall for media control, and divided along religious, racial, economic, political lines to the point that "WE THE PEOPLE" is no more than an old disregarded concept. Not so dumb we can't work for some huge corporation, pay our taxes(more than once), make enough money to buy all the stupid crap being shoved down our throats by the very media system that's terrorizing and dividing us slowly and insidiously from the inside.
FACT: Left to our own devices we tend to be greedy and short sighted, with a penchant for the easy road. With no rules comes anarchy, and dominance of one group over others. That is what far right Republicans push for. With the assumption that everything will just fall into it's own place, and most citizens will have what they need to live and grow. Far left Democrats imagine that through control and regulation we can bring higher quality of life to more citizens. Of course the down side to that is PEOPLE will populate the regulating agencies.

It is not the Republicans or the Democrats that are to blame, they are the charade, the image of Government. What rules America is MONEY TO THE RICH.
Who are more un-American than those who would withhold their tax money from the government?
Critics of the government? Hardly, it is our duty, as laid out by the Constitution, to call out our leaders.
Critics of Americans? LOL, we used to have the highest standards in the world in education and living, medicine, and industry, now we are a sorry excuse for a world power, with a huge chip on our shoulder.
Americans are like the children of the super rich; everyone just assumed we would grow up to be as excellent as the prior generations without putting in the work that they did. Our past has given us a problematic gift: the idea that we are infallible.