It is our right to carry firearms, it is also our right to speak our opinion. With those rights come responsibility, the responsibility to exercise those rights with caution and intelligence.
Question: Is it smart to bring firearms near the President? NO
Question: Is it illegal to bring firearms near the President? I'm not sure, but why choose that forum to make your point.
Laws have been made to protect us from stupid gun users. As our country falls further behind the rest of the world in academics, that protection is increasingly necessary. In the days when everyone carried guns, Americans were PRODUCERS, with excellence as a goal, everyone had much more common sense even if they had no official education.
Nowadays, Americans are being molded into CONSUMERS; Dumb enough to give our free will and spirit to some "representative" of GOD, dumb enough to fall for media control, and divided along religious, racial, economic, political lines to the point that "WE THE PEOPLE" is no more than an old disregarded concept. Not so dumb we can't work for some huge corporation, pay our taxes(more than once), make enough money to buy all the stupid crap being shoved down our throats by the very media system that's terrorizing and dividing us slowly and insidiously from the inside.
FACT: Left to our own devices we tend to be greedy and short sighted, with a penchant for the easy road. With no rules comes anarchy, and dominance of one group over others. That is what far right Republicans push for. With the assumption that everything will just fall into it's own place, and most citizens will have what they need to live and grow. Far left Democrats imagine that through control and regulation we can bring higher quality of life to more citizens. Of course the down side to that is PEOPLE will populate the regulating agencies.
It is not the Republicans or the Democrats that are to blame, they are the charade, the image of Government. What rules America is MONEY TO THE RICH.
Who are more un-American than those who would withhold their tax money from the government?
Critics of the government? Hardly, it is our duty, as laid out by the Constitution, to call out our leaders.
Critics of Americans? LOL, we used to have the highest standards in the world in education and living, medicine, and industry, now we are a sorry excuse for a world power, with a huge chip on our shoulder.
Americans are like the children of the super rich; everyone just assumed we would grow up to be as excellent as the prior generations without putting in the work that they did. Our past has given us a problematic gift: the idea that we are infallible.