I was a hyperactive kid, and was tied to more than one desk in grade school. Although the doctors told my mom to put me on Ritalin, she did not, and I thank her still. Living in a suburban community with lots of undeveloped land around in the 70's-80's I had a large play area and burned off much energy. I was a latchkey kid and ate terribly:hostess and soda and packaged food until I was about 11. Then I underwent a serious change of environment and my diet consisted of large fresh cooked protein and veggies for most dinners. My school performance was always average with a tendency for not doing homework but excelling at test time. I have an IQ of 127 and have excellent comprehension and cognitive abilities, I still struggle with personal discipline, which has more of a negative effect on my relationships than anything else, but I work well and solve problems easily. I believe that I was mildly ADD, and if my mom had known that preservatives and dyes had could have been a source of my energy, my scolastic career may have been much different.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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