We take it back by not fueling the fires of distraction; teabaggers, birthers, townhollers, are mostly uninformed and are hurting the cause of American citizen rights by moving the focus from the details of the MAJOR issues i.e. healthcare, education, immigration, and insurance reform. These areas of the American system are failing to do their prescribed jobs. This is leading to the slow decay of our society from the inside out.
About Transparency
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Most Americans today are misinformed, that will never change as long as they watch and listen to corrupt broadcasts. What needs to happen is campaign contributions from businesses or special interest groups needs to be outlawed and politicians can start running for office the way they are supposed to not by buying their way into office. Another thing that needs to happen is Americans need to stop being so gullible and easily won over by a pretty smile and some rhetoric they do not understand. What leads to the decay of our society is the fact we are failing at properly educating our citizens, many might as well be illiterate because all they can do is stare as the big flashy thing called a "TV" they paid 4 months of wages to buy that they do not need and is near useless to lean factual information on. Another thing is we have grown into a society that only gets interested in the negative, if people knew the positive outcome of our work in various areas they would not be so quick to condemn it, like the war in Iraq (I would estimate less than .1% of the population knows the truth of why we went in there), CIA interrogations (WATERBOARDING IS NOT TORTURE, it is an interrogation method not even a hard one to endure, I personally find it relaxing), Guantanamo bay (inmates are better fed and treated there then people living in America, they get plenty of exercise and eat so much they are getting fat), I could go on for days.
ReplyDeleteThe main reason we went into Iraq is MONEY. War is good business and that is a fact. The profits of the big conglomerate weapons manufacturers, and war contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater are making out like bandits. Government spending, once done, must be construed as a good thing even if the weapons fail. The tax money spent on war does not return to us regular citizens. If we were actually DOING what we said we would; if the Military was able to gather intel, develop strategies and actually implement those with little interference from politicians, wars would be short.
ReplyDeleteAmerica does not torture, we signed the Geneva convention. Any involvement on our part in torture breaks that treaty and makes our nation hypocritical period. The things Bush jr pushed through in the patriot act are only loopholes to prevent the prosecution of Americans involved, in America.
When the rest of the world, especially those who consider America their enemy sees our hypocritical behavior, do you think they will treat our POW's better or worse? How they are treated now is irrelevant. America is supposed to be more civilized, but she has lost her Military bearing, her professionalism and her love for her own people. We shame lady liberty with our false wars and torture.
There are many parallels between the rise of the nazi party and the presidential terms of GWB. There are laws and bills he got passed which mirror exactly the steady closing of the nazi fist around the German people.