Bill I think you're smart enough to understand that the President cannot fight all battles at one time. His seeming lack of temerity in regards to the bailouts and the HC reform issue, in my opinion, are calculated steps towards progress. The President needs to be more like the turtle than the hare, if lasting change is to come about. As I have said in the past, some bi-partisan inclusion is PREFERABLE to none, when it comes to longevity of changes. The President took upon himself the mantle to represent all Americans (I think his internal dialogue would not differentiate between Americans who like him or those who do not). We all know that those folks who support/deify FOX type rhetoric are not capable of seeing the damage they do to themselves/America. And therefore cannot be trusted as to knowing what their best interests are. The big man is I think giving the(t-bagger, birther crowd) the benefit of the doubt that they will see the light when he's finished.
You know that bit about Rome and how long it took her to be built.
If I did not know that Obama is intelligent, eloquent and assume he has the best intentions for our nation and it's huddled masses; I could not have the faith that I do that he will prove to be the redeemer of American integrity, and I would not have voted at all.
Integrity? You ask, ohh ho ho yes integrity is one major factor common in the failings of our education, economy, media, health care/pharm, mil/ind complex, correctional, and food industries to fulfill their intended services. The flip side of the integrity coin is greed itself. While greed is healthy and necessary for capitalist and free market economies (both of which in their pure unfettered forms proof out to be as unsuccessful as any theory taken to it's extreme) , the greedy excesses perpetrated upon the US public in general; is quite simply deplorable. Moderation of greed (regulation, consumer protection) is required for a sustainable healthy economy.
One example of the transgressions against American integrity is the High Fructose Corn Syrup/ corn subsidies/ sugar tariffs connection, or as I call it The Diabetic Triangle. This triad ensures that Americans WILL become less healthy if they eat the most readily available foods (most of which contain HFCS) thereby guaranteeing increased doctors visits. HFCS will actually increase your appetite due to the fake out it gives our bodies, ensuring that you consume MORE of those readily available foods, compounding those Dr. visits with obesity. If one checks into the profit margins for products sold in fast food chains, one will find that soda has the highest % of profit out of all of them. Sugar tariffs increase the cost of real sugars, discouraging the use of the (relatively) healthy sweetener in mass produced foods.
If one steps back to study the big picture through the integrity filter, it becomes apparent that these industries compound profit at the points where they overlap. Supplementing and/or reinforcing the increasing lack of industrial integrity.
How does one increase the consumption of unhealthy foods, entertainment? Make the population less intelligent by reducing the amount of learning options in schools, make secondary edu expensive BAD
How does one increase profit at a prison? Do everything you can to ensure return inmates. BAD
How does one increase individual food consumption? Add chemicals to induce hunger/mask fullness BAD
How does one increase profit if all other factors remain unchanged? Decrease the cost(quality) of the product or service. (supply/demand) Fire employees (stock trading) BAD
In closing I would like to reiterate that the President has a lot on his plate, more than most realize. It will take time and patience for him to accomplish his goals for our nation. Considering the importance of these times, and the sheer size and complexity of the tasks at hand, I say tread carefully Mr. President. Be the antithesis of your predecessor. I know it will take both terms allotted to you, and all of your skill to make the progress we all see as necessary. The America that has been lost to those who remember our greatness in this world will one day return. These are the times of historical importance that will indicate to our progeny what stuff we are made of.